What’s in a name?

April 6, 2010 at 4:08 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment
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Here we go. I decided to start a blog. The first step in creating a blog is coming up with a name. What’s in a name, anyway? I asked my followers on Twitter if they had any suggestions, and all of the responses played off of my last name…which is obviously Moore.

@AlexandraG730 suggested “Gaga For Moore”, which is really cute, but just that…really cute. Oh and a little too trendy.

@MediaKath suggested “Moore Talking”, “Moore Perspectives”, “What’s Moore?”, “Through my eyes” and “Bella’s Mama”. I like those, but they were all kind of boring and didn’t describe ME.

@TaylorGraves gave great advice and said “decide what sort of things you’ll be blogging about – then choose a name :).”

I liked all of the suggestions I got, but @SBH_SLH_PRgirl suggested “Moore In Life”. I like it. It’s not too trendy and it describes what I’ll most likely be blogging about…yeah you got it, life from my perspective!

I have a lot to say, but whether or not people are interested is a different story. I think it’s going to be hard to get a lot of repeat readers when I’m not really blogging about any one particular topic, like health, or food, or fashion, or dogs. I hope to have a wide array of topics, and hopefully they will interest you enough you will be thirsty for “Moore” (sorry, I had to!).

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